Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My First Interview

  1. Why do you think you were chosen as the student of the month? I'm the best at my school.
  2. Did you ever think you'd be SOTM? I've always known.
  3. Who was the first person you told? Everyone, I went on TV and told America.
  4. What clubs or sports are you part of? None of them.
  5. How many ap classes are you in? 8.
  6. What's your name? Andrew Rodriguez.
  7. How old are you? 27.
  8. What grade are you in? 13th.
  9. How much does this mean to you? Next to nothing.
  10. How active are you socially? Extremely.
  11. Do you have a job? Yes, I'm a surgeon.
  12. If you are of age, do you drive? Yes.
  13. How happy are you? Extremely.
  14. What college do you plan on going to? I already went, I'm 27.
  15. What do you want to do as a career? Stay a surgeon.
  16. When are you graduating? 2015.
  17. Where were you born? ATX.
  18. How can others become SOTM? Wait till I leave.
  19. What's your favorite song? I don't like music.
  20. What's the worst thing you'd do for a million dollars? Kidnap a baby.

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